Musei e Collezioni di Storia della Medicina
- The Virtual Laboratory, Max Plank Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
- Museum Boerhaave, Leiden
- Museu de l’Institute d’Anatomie de Paris
- Instruments mèdics antics, CUTVAP, Siena
- Thackray Museum, Leeds
- The Bakken Library and Museum of Electricity in Life, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Colleccionisme mèdic antic i venda, Alex Peck Medical Antiques
- Museu de la Farmàcia Catalana, Universitat de Barcelona
- Museo Vasco de Historia de la Medicina, Universitat del País Basc
- Museo de Historia de la Medicina, Universitat de València
- Museo virtual de la Sanidad, Universitat Carles III
- Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, paleopatologia
- Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid
- Mütter Museum, The College of Physcians of Philadelphia
- Museu d’aparells mèdics i científics, Universitat de Transilvània, Lexington
- Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences
- Museu de la medicina Baker-Cederberg, Rochester, Nova York
- Warren Anatomical Museum, Countway Medical Library, Harvard
- Museum of Medicine Adler, Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg
- Museum of History of Medicine, Berlin
- Museum of History of Medicine, Lituània
- Museum of History of Medicine, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”
- Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Firenze
- Steno Museum, història de la ciència i la medicina, Aarhus, Dinamarca
- Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden
- Deutsches Medizinhistoriches Museum, Ingolstadt
- The Public Health Museum, Massachusetts
- Museum of the History of psycological Instrumentation, Montclair State University
- Teatro anatomico, Palazzo dell’Archiginnasio, Bologna
- The Old Operating Theatre, Museum and Herb Garret, Londres
- The Royal College of Surgeons of England, Museums
- The Royal College of Physicians, the Symons Collection, Londres
- Museu Internacional de la Creu Roja
- Museu i arxius de la British Red Cross
- Museum of Menstruation Women’s Health
- Centro studi Lazzaro Spallanzani, Scandiano, Itàlia
- Museu d’Anatomia del Reial Collegi de Cirurgia de Sant Carles de Madrid, Facultat de Medicina, Universitat Complutense
- Museo Anatómico, Facultat de Medicina, Universitat de Valladolid
- Museo de Oftalmología Dr. Saracíbar, Universitat de Valladolid
- Museo de historia de la medicina V. A. Risolía, Universitat de Buenos Aires
- Suction Cup Museum, Roslyn, New York
- Cyber Museum of Neurosurgery, Illinois
- Deutschen Röntgen-Museum, Remscheid, Germania
- DeWitt Stetten, Jr., Museum of Medical Research, NIH, Bethesda
- Dittrick Museum of Medical History, Case Western RU, Cleveland, Ohio
- The Nobel e-museum
- The turn of the century Electrotherapy Museum, per Jeff Behary
- The History of Contraception Museum, Toronto
- The Cleveland Health Museum and Education Center
- Hall of Health, Berkeley
- John P. McGovern Museum of Health and Medical Science, Houston, Texas
- International Museum of Surgical Science, Chicago
- Collecció d’instruments d’òptica, the British Optical Association Museum
- Museum of Microscopy, Molecular Expressions, Florida State University
- The Blocker History of Medicine Microscope Collection, Moody Medical Library, University of Texas
- Mike’s Historical Microscops, Universitat de Mainz
- Mikroskop Museum, per Hauke Kahl
- Institut i Museu d’Història de la Medicina, Universitat de Zurich
- Museum of Questionable Medical Devices, the Minnesota Science Museum
- Medical History Museum, Universitat de Melbourne
- Medical Museum, Universitat d’Iowa
- Josephinum, Medico historical Collections, Wien Universitat
- Karl-Sudhoff-Institut fur Geschichte der Medizin,Universität Leipzig
- Kawasaki Medical University Museum of Modern Medical Education
- Mamiya Medical Heritage Center, Hawaii Medical Library
- Museum of health and medicine, London
- Museus d’història de la Medicina a Alemània
- Museus of health and medicine, Australia
- Sheffield Museum of Anaesthesia
- The Brian Welsh Memorial Museum of Anaesthesia, NSA
- The NDA Online Anaesthesia Museum, University of Oxford
- The Samuel D. Harris National Museum of Dentistry, University of Maryland
- Vienna virtual museum of the history of anaesthesia and intensive care medicine
- The Wood Library-Museum of Anaesthesiology, Illinois
- National Museum of Health and Medicine, USAF-Inst. Pathology, Washington
- National Museum of Civil War Medicine, Maryland
Risorse Elettroniche Storia della Medicina
- Enllaç de recursos d’història de la medicina, per J. L. Fresquet
- Recursos d’història de l’anatomia, per E. Perdiguero
- Recursos d’història de la ciència, la tecnologia i la medicina, per J. Molero
- Recursos electrònics d’història de la medicina, Wellcome Library
- Recursos d’història de les ciències de la salut, Medical Library Association
- Imatges de la història de la medicina, National Library of Medicine
- Illustració mèdica, materials històrics, Johns Hopkins University
- Sémia, Société d’études sur Marey et l’image animée
- Biblioteca de fotografia mèdica, Wellcome Library
- Patrimoni històric hospitalari de Catalunya, projecte Euro-paphe
- Patrimoni històric hospitalari d’Europa, projecte Euro-Paphe
- Athena, texts científics històrics online, per Pierre Perroud
- Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement, DDLC
- Syllabi for courses in science, medicine and technology, H-net, H-SMT
- Recent dissertations in the Medical Humanities, Pittsburgh University
- Medical History on the internet, per A. J. Wright, University of Alabama
- Eponímia mèdica a internet, whonamedit
- The Zurich Paracelsus Project, University of Zurich
- Recursos en història de la farmàcia, Folchia-Panacea, Universitat Complutense
- Science in the 19th-Century Periodicals, SCIPER Project
- Psychoanalysis and the Public Sphere, per Robert M. Young
- Hippocrates on the web, Universitat de Manitoba
- Virtual library museums worlwide, ICOM, VLMP
Risorse Elettroniche Storia della Scienza
- History of recent science and technology on the web, per Arne Hessenbruch
- Recursos electrònics per a la història de la ciència, la tècnica, la medicina i el mediambient a Escòcia, NAHSTE
- The Virtual Laboratory, Max Plank Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
- Recursos electrònics per a la història de la ciència, OBS-Nice
- Recursos electrònics per a la història de la ciència, la tècnica i la medicina, ECHO
- Recursos electrònics per a la història de la medicina, Interzone Online
- Recursos electrònics per a la història de la farmàcia, American Institute of the History of Pharmacy
- Enllaços d’història de la química de J. R. Bertomeu
- Recursos electrònics d’instruments antics de física, per A.C.M. de Queiroz
- Revistes electròniques d’història de la ciència, per J. R. Bertomeu
- Enllaç de recursos d’història i filosofia de la ciència, la tècnica i la medicina segons Thomas B. Settle
- The Galileo Project, Catalog of scientific community 16-17th C, Rice University
- The Scientific Revolution, per Robert A. Hatch
- Proyecto Ameghino, història de la ciència argentina a internet, U. N. Quilmes
Musei, Biblioteche e Collezioni Speciali
- Museums of the World
- The History of Medicine Division at the US National Library of Medicine, including e.g. a list of Early Western Manuscripts (, some clickable), and Turning the Pages, and much, much more
- Online Images from the History of Medicine and Some Rare Manuscripts - US National Library of Medicine
- DeWitt Stetten Museum of Medical Research - NIH (US)
- The Bakken Library & Museum
- BIUM: Bibliothque Interuniversitaire de Medecine - Paris (FR)
- The History of Medicine Collection - Wangensteen Library (US)
- History of Medicine at Univ. of Pittsburgh (US)
- History of Medicine Collections - Med C Library, Duke Univ (US)
- The Historical Library at Cushing-Whitney Med. Libr., Yale (US)
- The Roscoe R Robinson History of Nephrology Collection - (US)
- The Eskind Biomedical Library Special Collections at the Vanderbilt Medical Center (US)
- DScriptorium - medieval manuscripts in digital form [JD Hurlbut]
- National Museum of Health & Medicine - AFIP, Washington DC
- The Disability History Museum
- The National Museum of (US) Civil War Medicine
- The History of Pharmacy Museum - U. of Arizona/Tuscon (US)
- A Tour through the Exhibition at the German Museum of Pharmacy (DE)
- Le Musee Flaubert et d'Histoire de la Medecine - (FR)
- Some history of medicine related books at the Pole Universitaire Europeen, Pas-de-Calais (FR)
- The Hartford Medical Society Special Collections - Connecticut (US)
- The Medical Museum at University of Iowa (US)
- Historical Rare Text Images from the Clendening Library - KUMC (US)
- The Medical heritage Center - hio State Univ. (US)
- Brief note about the Marvin Samson Center for the History of Pharmacy - Philadelphia (US)
- Museum of the History of Psychological Instrumentation [Haupt and Perera]
- History of Science and Medicine - Morris Fishbein Center, Chicago (US)
- Reynolds Historical Library
- Rare Books and Manuscripts at E.G. Miner Library - Univ. of Rochester (US)
- Smithsonian Institution - (US)
- The Francis Clark Wood Institute for the History of Medicine - Philadelphia, PA (US)
- The Hill Monastic Manuscript Library - St John's Univ., MN (US)
- The T.G. Blocker Collections - UTMB including a Portrait Gallery and an Online Microscopes collection - Moody Medical Library/UTMB (US)
- Museum of Microscopy [MW Davidson] - Florida State Univ. (US)
- Ava Helen & Linus Pauling Papers - Oregon University Libraries (US)
- Special Collections (19th century medicine in Indiana & MidWest) at Ruth Lilly Medical Library (US)
- The Burns Archive collection of early medical photographies
- A Guide to the Index of Medieval Medical Images Database - UCLA (US)
- The Edgar Fahs Smith Collection - Schoenberg Center/Univ of Pennsylvania (US)
- Museum of Health & Medical Science - (US)
- About The John Martin Rare Book Room at Hardin Library/Univ. of Iowa (US)
- The Osler Library of the History of Medicine - (CA)
- The Charles Woodward Memorial Room - (CA)
- Catalog of Proyecto Dioscorides - Univ. Complutense de Madrid (ES)
- Institute & Museum of the History of Science - Florence (IT)
- Museum of Health in the Sultan Bayezid II Complex - (TR)
- Medizinhistorisches Institut - Universität Bonn (DE)
- Medizinhistorische Sammlung der Ruhr Universität Bochum (DE)
- Das Medizinhistorische Museum - Zürich (CH)
- One Hundred Highlights from the Koninklijke Bibliotheek - (NL)
- Belgian Museum of Radiology - (BE)
- The Czech Pharmaceutical Museum - Charles Univ. (CZ)
- Medicinsk-Historisk Museum - Copenhagen Univ. (DK)
- Medicinhistoriska Muséet - Stockholm (SE)
- Medicinhistoriska Muséet i Uppsala (SE)
- London's Museums of Health and Medicine - (UK)
- Medical Heritage of Great Britain - Bath (UK)
- The Surgeons' Hall Museums - The Royal Coll. of Surgeons of Edinburgh ( UK)
- About the Library of CHSTM - Manchester (UK)
- Historical Instrumentation Museum Collection - Oak Ridge Assoc. Universities (US)
- Epact: Scientific Instruments of Medieval and Renaissance Europe , a collection of Portraits of Scientists and Instrument Makers at the Museum of the History of Science - Oxford (UK)
- Early Manuscripts at Oxford University, and some Western Manuscript Images at the Bodelian Library, Oxford (UK)
- The Hunterian Museum & Art Gallery - Glasgow (UK)
- The Wellcome Institute, the Medical History journal, the Wellcome Witnesses to Twentieth Century Medicine journal, and the Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine - (UK)
- Banque d'images - XVe au XIXe siècle - Photothèque BIUM (FR)
- Some Ancient Medical Books at the Peking University Library (CN)
- Bright Sparcs [a register of Austraulian scientists from the 18th century to the present) - (AU)
- Chiba Univ. Library [rare oriental medical books; in Japanese] - (JP)
- The Mutter Museum (medical school curiosities) - Philadelphia (US)
- The Museum of Hoaxes [A Boese]
- Museum of Questionable Medical Devices [B. McCoy] - Minneapolis (US)
- Antique Medical, early medical items etc. [M Echols]
Primo Periodo Moderno, 1451 – 1600
- Die Göttinger Gutenbergbibel online (about 1454) - (DE)
- A Physician's Handbook (Wellcome WMS.8004), and 'Turning the Pages' - The Wellcome Trust
- Biography of Vesalius [RS Westfall] - Rice Univ. (US)
- De Humani Corporis Fabrica [A Vesalius, 1543, 1555] - NorthWestern Univ. (US)
- De Humani Corporis Fabrica [A Vesalius - 'Turn the Pages'/NLM (US)
- The Body Revealed: Renaissance and Baroque Anatomical Illustration, an exhibition 1996 at the Univ of Glasgow, Special Collections (UK)
- About some Works by Vesalius - Vanderbilt U., and a woodcut from his Fabrica
- About George Bartisch and an exhibit of his Ophthalmodouleia; Das ist Augendienst at Duke Univ Med C Libr/Trent Collection (US)
- History of Ophthalmology - MRCOphth
- Dante's Inferno in print - Italnet, Univ. of Notre Dame (US), and a Diagram of the Inferno - CCCCD (US)
- Painting of Christ Among the Doctors (1506) by Albrecht Dürer - Web Museum, via Berkeley
- Natural Magick [S Davis] - (US). by JB Porta
- About PA Mattioli's Commentarii/Herbal - UC/SF (US)
- Anatomia del corpo humano [J Valverde de Amusco] - Vatican Library Exhibit (US)
- The Treasure of Treasures for Alchemists [by Paracelsus]
- Paracelsus and The Medical Revolution of the Renaissance [AG Debus] - NLM (US).
- About the Zurich Paracelsus Project
- The Renaissance and the Rise of Anatomy and Physiology and The Rise and Development of Modern Medicine [W Osler; 1923 printing] - Etext Center, Univ of Virginia (US)
- Brief biography of Nostradamus - Nostradamus Repository
- "School of Athens" [painting by Rafael 1508-11]
- Some Anatomical Drawings & Sketches by Leonardo da Vinci - Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research (CH), a few More Drawings from the Web Museum, and some downloadable drawings
- About Leonardo da Vinci - Museum of Science
- The Vitruvian Man, 1492, Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice
- The Triumph of Death by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1562
- Tregement der ghesontheyt [Maginus of Milan], Dutch transl. 1514 - Koninklijke Bibliotheek (NL)
- About Santorio Santorio - Institute & Museum of the History of Science, Florence (IT), and some more information - Rice Univ. (US)
- About Ambroise Paré - Galileo Project
- Who was Ambroise Paré? (1509-90) [CC Snyder] - via (BE)
- Oeuvres [A Paré] - 'Turn the Pages'/NLM (US)
- History of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh - (UK)
- About the Barber-Surgeon onboard the Mary Rose (sunk 1545), Portsmouth
- Brief History of Cesarean Section - NLM (US).
- A Historical View of Padova, including a note about the Anatomy Theatre - (IT)
- De la Subtilite' by Hierome Cardanus, 1566 - Univ of California/Irvine (US)
- About Wilhelm Fabry (1560-1634) [in German] - Hilden (DE)
Periodo Moderno, 1601
- On The Doctrine of Signatures - Paghat the Ratgirl
- About Jacob Böhme (Boehme) [B Janz]
- The 17th century: Scientific Revolution. Circulation of the Blood. The Doctrine of Contagion - Universita di Cagliari/Bibioteca Biomedica (IT)
- De vocis auditusque organis historia anatomica [G Casseri, 1561-1616] - Clendening Library, Univ of Kansas (US)
- Some Historical Documents on Scurvy - Vanderbilt U. (US)
- About Gaspare Tagliacozzi and Marcello Malpighi [in Italian], in the History of the Univ. of Bologna [in Italian] - (IT)
- About Marcello Malpighi - Catholic Encyclopedia
- The Great Instauration [Francis Bacon]
- Mikrokosmographia: A Description of the Body of Man [facsimile H Crooke, 1615] - Univ of Pennsylvania
- About "The Anatomy Lecture" of Nicolaes Tulp [Rembrandt 1632], and a picture
- About the Anatomical Theatre [in Swedish] - Uppsala (SE)
- The Anatomy Theatre at Leiden [image]
- About Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson of Prof. Nicolaes Tulp (1632) [AC Masquelet]
- About William Harvey (1578-1657) - Wolfram Research (US)
- A Note about William Harvey - The Biotech Chronicles
- On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals [W Harvey, 1628] - Modern History Sourcebook
- A Brief Note on Giovanni Alfonso Borelli - Inst & Museum of the History of Science, Florence (IT), and on the History of Spinal Biomechanics - (HU)
- On Galen's Humours, on the rise of anatomy, and on the emergence of a mechanistic view [of the mind] - The Brain Project (AU)
- Some notes about Thomas Willis (1621-75), and a Brief Biography [RME Sabbatini]
- Anatome Cerebri [T Willis; ed. 1665. front page image] - Polib, Lille (FR)
- The Robert Boyle Project - Univ of London (UK)
- History of the Thermometer [A. Van Helden] - (US)
- Early Optics Instruments at the Museum of Physics Dept.,Naples (IT)
- An illustration of Descarte's theory of vision, 1644
- Important Dates in Vision Science 1660-1960 - University of California/Irvine (US)
- About Antony van Leeuwenhoek - Berkeley (US)
- Pictures of one of Leeuwenhoek's early instruments - ArsMachina
- Hidden Secrets in the Royal Society Archive (about A van Leeuwenhoek) [BJ Ford] - (UK)
- Leeuwenhoek's Perception of the Spermatozoa [EG Ruestow]
- Inside view of the Chemical Laboratory at Univ. of Altdorf c. 1680 - History of Science Museum, Oxford (UK)
- About Robert Hooke - Berkeley (US), and 'England's Leonardo' (Robert Hooke 1653-1703) [A Chapman] - (UK)
- Micrographia [R Hooke] - 'Turn the Pages'/NLM (US)
- A picture of Hooke's Conpound Microscope - ArsMachina
- Parasites likely to have plagued Louis XIV [A Dorozynski] - BMJ
- Sir Isaac Newton - (UK), and his death mask - via Galileo proj., Rice Univ (US)
- On the early history of the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London - (UK)
- On the Great Plague in 1665 - Historic-UK
- citation: A remarkable case in the history of obstretical surgery .... [abstract only] - via PubMed
- The end of the 17th century, the beginning of the 18th century. Spontaneous generation, genesis based on scabies, microscopic anatomy, anatomical waxworks - Universita di Cagliari/Bibioteca Biomedica (IT)
Secolo XVIII
- The Life Sciences in the 18th Century, and The Chemical Revolution [A Gregory; lecture handouts, MS Word] - Univ. College London (UK)
- Pictures of some Early Chemical Laboratories - Deutsches Museum OnLine, München (DE)
- The 18th century. Clinical anatomy and the pathology of organs. Spallanzani. Jenner - Universita di Cagliari/Bibioteca Biomedica (IT)
- About Antoine Laurent Lavoisier - Chemical Heritage Foundation
- Demise of Phlogiston [E Thall] - Florida Community College (US)
- On Phlogiston and the Decomposition of Water [J Priestley]
- Phlogiston vs. Oxygen -
- Phlogiston After Oxygen [D Allchin] - SHiPS
- 27 anatomical plates [P de Cortona], (1618-16??) 1741 - Hardin Library, Univ of Iowa (US)
- About Nicolas Andry - The Grandfather of orthopaedics [R Kohler]
- About Giovanni Batista Morgagni - U of Virginia/Historical Collections (US)
- Brief note about John Hunter (1728 -93) - U of Virginia/Historical Collections
- Of Bladder Stones and Nursery Rhymes (about Frere Jacques Beaulier/'Brother John') - Collect Medical Antiques, and a couple of portraits - via PubMed Central
- Captain Cook and the Scourge of Scurvy - BBC (UK)
- About Joseph Priestley and the Discovery of Oxygen - Bath (UK)
- The Photosynthesis Story -
- Brief note about Luigi Galvani - IEEE
- On the Origin of the Celsius Temperature Scale [A & J Santesson] - (NL)
- About Carl Linnaeus - Uppsala Univ., and The Linnaeus Server - NRM (SE)
- About Lamarck & His Theory of Evolution [TE Hart] - The Victorian Web (US), and a painting of Lamarck
- About Thomas Malthus - Berkeley (US)
- Brief History of Immunology [JL Shellaas] - Butler Univ.
- Edward Jenner and the Discovery of Vaccination - U of S Carolina (US)
- The Jenner Museum - (UK)
- Three Orginial Publications On Vaccination Against Smallpox, 1798 - Modern History Sourcebook
- The Encyclopedia of Diderot & d'Alembert project
- About James Graham's Celestial Bed - Museum-of-Hoaxes
- About the Pasteur & Galt Apothecary Shop in Williamsburg - Virginia (US)
- Some Illustrations (Obstetrics) from W Smellie's Kupfertafeln nebst ihren beygefügten Erklärungen, 1754
- About Samuel Thomas von Soemmering (1755 - 1830) - Wikipedia
- About Joseph Black (1728-99)
- History of Gas Laws [E Thall]
- About Amedeo di Quaregna e Ceretto (comte Avogadro) (in French) [M D'Amboise], and about Avogadro's number [TA Furtsch] - Cookeville, TN (US)
- Essay on a Manner of Determining the Relative Masses ... and Proportions .. [LRAC Avogadro 1811; transl.]
- About William Withering and Digitalis purpurea - TAMU (US)
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 1757-- - Oxford (UK)
- Philipe Pinel unchains the insane - Dodd Memorial Library, CMC Vellore
Secolo XIX
- An Overview of Medicine 1800-1899 - BookRags
- Nature of Disease: The Nineteenth Century Medical Revolution [I Carr] - Univ of Manitoba (CA)
- First part of the 19th century. Semeiotics, Sanitary assistance, Cell Pathology, and Microbiology - Universita di Cagliari/Bibioteca Biomedica (IT)
- Discovery and Early Uses of Iodine [L Rosenfeld]
- About John Dalton (1766-1844) - Chemical Heritage Foundation
- About Justus von Liebig - Wolfram Research, and some Chemische Briefe [in German] - Universität Giessen (DE)
- On Cutaneous Diseases [R Willan; 1808] - via Wellcome Trust
- Nils Berner Sorensen: Therapia Generalis, in Norwegian [H Sandvik] - University of Bergen (NO)
- JJ Berzelius - Wolfram Research
- Explore the History of the Chemistry of Life - Chemical Heritage Foundation
- Some Selected Classic Papers in Chemistry [C Giunta] - Le Moyne College (US)
- About Michael Faraday - Royal Inst. of Great Britain
- A brief note about William Beaumont and Gastric Secretion - Texas Tech Univ./Physiology (US)
- The History of the Periodic Table - SchoolScience
- About Dmitriy Mendeleev [links]
- The history of diagnostic technology for diseases of the lungs [CPW Warren]
- An Interview With Guillaume Dupuytren - Maitrise Orthopaedique (FR)
- About René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laennec- The Catholic Encyclopedia, a photoprint, a scene from l'Hopital Necker - NLM, and a Laennec stethoscope
- From the History of Pulmonary Examination - Univ of Washington/Medicine (US)
- On the History of the Stethoscope - Medical Antiques Online
- The history of diagnostic technology for diseases of the lungs [CPW Warren]
- Baron Jean-Louis Alibert, the founder of French Dermatology [D Wallach]
- A letter by Elizabeth Blackwell, 1851, re the education of women physicians - American Memory
- Images from Mascagni's Anatomica Universa [1823-32] - via Hardin Library, Univ of Iowa (US)
- About Ignaz Semmelweis [JA Strong] - ProjectCREATION
- The Childbed Fever Mystery and the Meaning of Medical Journalism (about Ignaz Semmelweis) [CE Caplan] - McGill Univ. (CA)
- Virtual Exhibits at the American Academy of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
- Some pictures of hearing aids - Sound and Fury
- A Timeline of Hearing Devices and Early Deaf Education - Bernard Becker Medical Library, WUSTL (US)
- Frankenstein Exhibition - NLM
- The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde [RL Stevenson]
- Die Schöne und der Wolf (Atlas der Hautkrankheiten 1856) - (DE)
- The Functions of the Brain: Gall to Ferrier (1808-1886) [RM Young] - (UK)
- About Archibald Scott Couper (1831-92) - Chemical Heritage Foundation
- Brief Note about Friedrich Kekulé von Stradonitz - Wolfram Research
- About Friedrich Wöhler - Wolfram Research, and On the Artificial Production of Urea [F Wöhler, 1828]
- About Richard Bright - Father of Nephrology, from the Roscoe R Robinson History of Nephrology Collection - Vanderbilt Univ. (US)
- The Lusk Kidney [CM DiGrazia]
- About Mathieu Joseph Bonaventure Orfila ('Father of Toxicology') - Wikipedia
- History of the Charite of Berlin [in German] - Berlin (DE)
- (David) Livingstone Online - Wellcome Trust (UK)
- Health Situation in Nineteenth Century England - Victorian Web
- From E. Chadwick's Report on Sanitary Conditions in Great Britain, 1842 [L. Del Col]
- History of Anesthesia - The Royal College of Anaesthetists (UK)
- The Unusual History of Ether, and a collection of History of Anesthesia resources/links [TJ Evans]
- About Horace Wells and a brief note about his daybook at the Menczer Museum, Hartford (US)
- Hinckley's Who Was Who on Ether Day, Oct 16th, 1846 - Neurosurgery, Massachusetts General Hospital (US), a comment [SC Schatzki], and some more comments [A Shafer]
- Utopian Surgery: Early arguments against anesthesia in surgery, dentistry and childbirth [D Pearce]
- Dr. Pean and His Surgery Class Before the Operation [painting by H Gervex] - via The Resurrector
- The Story of Burke and Hare (two body snatchers in 19th century Scotland)
- Signals from the Grave - some early patents - American Artefacts
- The Ophthalmoscope and Hermann von Helmholtz [SE Sherman] - Foundation of Amercian Acad of Ophthalmology
- About Louis Braille
- History of Reading Codes for the Blind - Blindness Resource Center
- About Adam Politzer, one of the founders of Otology - Wikipedia
- About Rudolph Leuckart and his parasitological charts.
- The Florence Nightingale Museum - (UK), and a Selection of Her Letters at Clendening Hist of Med Libr (US).
- On Victorian Medicine - BBC (UK)
- Photographies 1868 [dermatological images] - Societe Francaise d'Histoire de la Dermatologie
- About James Marion Sims
- Emotions and Disease, an exhibition at NLM/History of Medicine (US), and the picture Un Lecon Clinique a la Salpetriere [A Brouillet, 1887] (J-L Charcot and Blanche Wittman)
- Mental Health History Timeline [A Roberts] - Middlesex Univ. (UK)
- Freud: An overview of his ideas
- Sigmund Freud, chronologically - (AT)
- The Freud museum of London - (UK)
- Prescription written for the wife of Sergius Pankejeff, the patient known as the "Wolf-Man [S Freud, Nov 1919], and a Freud Exhibition - Library of Congress (US)
- Classics in the History of Psychology [CD Green]
- History of Psychology [CG Boeree] - Shippensburg Univ.
- Historic Asylums in America
- The Rorschach Test - Medical Museum exhibit, Univ of Iowa (US)
- About Ivan Pavlov -
- About Guillaume Duchenne - IEEE
- The Phineas Gage Information Page [M Macmillan]
- The American Crowbar Case (Phineas Gage) - Cyber Museum of Neurosurgery
- Phrenology: The History of Brain Localization [RME Sabbatini] - (BR).
- Phrenology and the Fine Arts - Boston College (US)
- MIND and BODY: From Descartes to James and about the History of Mesmerism etc. [RH Wozniak] - Bryn Mawr College
- Phrenology and Represenations of Physical Deviance in Victorian Fiction [TS Wagner]
- About Dr. Paul Broca
- Measuring Heads [D.R. Johnson] - via Univ. of Leeds (UK)
- Mind, Brain and Adaptation in the Nineteenth Century: Cerebral Localization and Its Biological Context from Gall to Ferrier [RM Young]
- The Attraction of Magnetic Medicines [D Odell]
- About Emil Kraepelin - Wikipedia
- Medical Antiques (collection of medical items)
- On the History and Origin of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement - (UK)
- On the History of Medicine in Indiana - Ruth Lilly Med Libr (US).
- Highlights in the History of U.S. Army Dentistry [J. E. King].
- Office of (US Army) Medical History
- Articles related to US Civil War Medicine and some more articles from the Society of Civil War Surgeons
- About Claude Bernard - Britannica Online
- About Léopold Ollier [Fischer et al.]
- Drug Development 1800s - 1919 - The Pharmaceutical Century, ACS (US)
- Herbalism in History - Univ of Virginia, Health Sci Library (US)
- Classical Herbal Works [H Kress]
- The Herbal Tradition - PlanetHerbs
- About Ferdinand Julius Cohn (1828-98) [G Drews] - ASM (US)
- The Life and Times of Louis Pasteur [DV Crohn]
- A photo of Pasteur
- History of the Pasteur Institute
- Pasteur on fermenation and the discovery of germs - Harvard Classics, Vol 38, Part 7
- Physiological Theory of Fermentation, 1879 [translated ; L Pasteur]
- Pasteur ou le triomphe médical d'un non-médicin [N Oudar] - Institut Curie (FR).
- About Robert Koch [A Johnson] and a photo
- Robert Koch, in German - Berlin (DE)
- About Robert Koch [KAH Mörner; Nobel Prize presentation 1905]
- Koch's Postulates - MicrobiologyBytes (UK)
- About John Snow and his Cholera Maps [RF Frericks] - UCLA (US)
- About Joseph Lister - Encyclopaedia Britannica, and the history of sterilisation and disinfection - Leeds (UK)
- Medical History of Nordhordland - University of Bergen (NO)
- About Thomas Emerson Bond, Jr ("father of oral and maxillofacial pathology")
- Charles Darwin and his Works - (UK)
- The Origin of Species [C. Darwin]
- About Sir Charles Lyell & Prof. TH Huxley, and Charles Darwin - (GR)
- The Zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle - UCLA, LM Darling Biomed Library /Bird Volume
- Introduction to Evolutionary Biology [C Colby] from the archive (US)
- About Sir William Osler (1849-1919)
- About Ernst Haeckel - Berkeley (US)
- The MendelWeb [R.B. Blumberg] - via Brown Univ. (US)
- Classic Papers in Genetics [R. Robbins], and A History of Genetics [EB Lewis] - ESP (US)
- Brief note about Friedrich Miescher
- Rudolph Virchow (1821-1902) - (DE)
- Some Manuscripts by Rudolph Virchow - Clendening, History of Medicine, KUMC (US)
- Virchow in Würzburg [photos] - Heidelberg (DE)
- Rudolph Virchow visits the 1990's [E Friedlander]
- Paul Ehrlich - Pharmaceutical Achiever - Magical Bullets/Chemical Heritage Foundation
- About Paul Ehrlich - Wikipedia
- About Paul Ehrlich and Chemotherapy - Dodd Memorial Library, Vellore (IN)
- About Theodor Boveri - Wuerzburg U. (DE)
- Theodor Boveri: The Life of a Great Biologist 1862-1915 [F Baltzer]
- About Ernst Neumann (1834 - 1918) - Köningsberg (DE)
- Relief of Pain and Suffering, 1800 --, an exhibit at UCLA
- Milestones in Aspirin History - Bayer AG
- A History of Aspirin [AAJ Andermann] - McGill (CA)
- About Joseph Francois Felix Babinski - Univ of Illinois (US)
- The Discovery of the Electron - American Institute of Physics
- The X-ray Century - December 1896
- The History of X-rays [based on text by B Bowers] - via Xray2000 (UK)
- The Hand of Berta Röntgen, 1885 - via Bibliothque Interuniversitaire de Medecine (FR)
- The Trail of Invisible Light: A Century of Medical Imaging - Medical Museum exhibit, Univ of Iowa (US)
- From "Dr. Gaskill's" Home Remedies - San Diego (US)
- Inhalatorium
- Chronology of Science in the US 1790-1910
- Medical Caricature in 19th century England and France - Univ of Virginia, Health Sci Library (US)
- Exhibits, and the Trent Room at the Duke Univ Medical Center Library (US)
- About the Babinski sign [Estanol et al.]
- The History of Osteopathic Medicine Virtual Museum
Secolo XX
- An Overview of Medicine 1900-1949 and 1950-Present - BookRags
- Medicine and Health: 1900 -- - Public Broadcasting Service
- Wellcome Witnesses to Twentieth Century Medicine - (UK)
- Dentist on a Camel: About HV Mattingley - (AU)
- Exhibits at the Sindecuse Museum of Dentistry, Univ of Michigan (US)
- Medicine and Madison Avenue [health-related advertisments) - Duke Univ. (US)
- Significant Events (in Microbiology) of the Last 125 Years - American Soc for Microbiology
- The Nursling [P Budin 1907; translated]
- About the Monster Steel Ball at the Cunningham Sanitarium [L Martin] - Lakeside Press
- Brief notes about the Straightjacket and the Utica Crib - Medical Museum exhibit, Univ of Iowa (US)
- Project facade: about Sir H Gillies, facial reconstructive surgery, and World War I [P Hartley]
- A timeline of Blood Transfusion Medicine History -
- Highlights of the History of Transfusion Medicine - American Assoc. of Blood Banks, and a biography of Karl Landsteiner [discoverer of blood groups] -
- About Joseph Goldberger and Pellagra - Dodd Memoreial Library
- About Lysenkoism [B Carroll] - The Skeptic's Dictionary (US)
- E Rutherford's article on the scattering of alpha particles - Phil Mag, 1911
- The Einstein Archives Online
- About V Heisenberg and the Uncertainty Principle
- The Solvay Conference 1927 - a group photo
- The History of Uranium 1789-1939 [B Goldschmidt] - World Nuclear Assoc.
- Radioactivity: Historical Figures - The Biotech Chronicles (US).
- L'Institute Curie et l'Histoire - (FR), and about Marie & Pierre Curie [N Fröman]
- On the Discovery of Radium [M Curie] - Modern History SourceBook
- The History of Radiology [SD Klioze] - Univ of Florida (US)
- About Radioactive Quack Cures [PW Frame]
- About R. Sievert and the unit of radiation - Dept. of Med. Radiation Physics, KI-KS (SE)
- Historical Anaesthetic Equipments in 1930
- The History of Extracorporeal Life Support - Univ of Wisconsin
- The History of the Electroencephalogram [RME Sabbatini] - (BR)
- Der Mensch als Industriepalast [F Kahn, 1926] - via NLM (US)
- Milestones in Cardiology - Franklin Institute (US)
- Electricity and the Heart: A Historial Perspective - Heart Rhythm Foundation
- About Willem Einthoven - The Nobel Foundation
- On the Development of the Cardiopulmonary Bypass Machine - Chemical Engineers' Resource page
- The Blue Baby Operation at Johns Hopkins Hospital 1944 - (US).
- The History of Cardiac Catheterization [CD Lawrence] - Santa Fe Comm Coll (US).
- Pacemaker History - Medtronic, Inc. and about Earl Bakken - IEEE
- The Relief of Mitral Stenosis [MN Khan] - Texas Heart Inst (US).
- Some Pioneers of Heart Surgery - PBS
- History of Minimally Invasive Surgery - Mt Sinai Med C., N.Y. (US)
- History of Laparoscopic Colectomy [Sgambat & Ballantyne]
- Physical Methods of Dermatological Treatment - 1921 (According to Dr. JF Schamberg) [RJ Thomsen]
- From History of Medical Diagnosis and Diagnostic Imaging - Imaginis/Women's Health
- A short History of the development of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology [3 parts ; J Woo]
- About Rebecca Craighill Lancefield - Rockefeller
- About Classical Adlerian Psychology - San Francisco (US)
- About Sir Ronald Ross and Malaria -
- 19-20th Centuries. Specialisations. Malaria. Chemotherapy. Antibiotics. The latest discoveries. Giuseppe Brotzu and cephalosporin - Universita di Cagliari/Bibioteca Biomedica (IT)
- History of Brain Surgery [Mangiardi and Kane] - Aesculap
- A Short History of Stereotactic Neurosurgery - NeuroSurgery://On-Call
- History of Spinal Surgery - NeuroSurgical Focus, Jan 2004
- History & Evolution of PET [RME Sabbatini] - (BR)
- Celebrities in Cognitive Science - Univ. of Colorado, School of Education (US)
- Artificial Organ History: A Selective Timeline - Project Bionics, George Mason Univ.
- Photographs of 20th century British doctors [N Sinclair] - BMJ
- World War II Combat Medic [D Steinert]
- Great Canadian Scientists - Vancouver (CA)
- Laureates - The Canadian Medical Hall of Fame
- About Sir Fredrick Grant Banting and Charles Best - Well Known Canadians Page, the Discovery of Insulin - U of Toronto, the The Discovery and Early Development of Insulin - Toronto (CA)
- About Linus Pauling - NLM, and on The Nature of the Chemical Bond - Oregon State Univ. (US)
- Domagk, Fleming, Waksman and the Third Man (on the discovery of anitbiotics) [A Cann] - Univ of Leicester (UK)
- Alexander Fleming's Nobel lecture in 1945, and an illustration of How Penicillin Kills Bacteria - Cells Alive!
- A Timeline (1939-1994) of AntiBiotics
- About Ernst B. Chain -
- About the History of Penicillin [CJ Wong] - Hawaii (US)
- On the History of Penicillin - Wikipedia
- Penicillin and Chance [D Allchin] - SHiPS
- History of Microbiology, from 1861 to 1995 - - Am. Soc. for Microbiology
- Milestones in the History of Virology - Principles of Molecular Virology, Academic Press, 2000 - via Univ of Barcelona (ES)
- Notes from the History of the Discovery of Viruses - Chemical Heritage Foundation
- The Pharmaceutical Century - Am. Chem Soc.
- On the History of Antibiotics - Science Clarified
- Virginia Apgar [K & E Apgar]
- About Virginia Apgar
- Celebrating 50 Years of Electron Microscopy & Modern Cell Biology - Rockefeller Univ. (US).
- Oswald Theodore Avery - biographic material at NLM/NIH (US)
- History of Genetics Timeline
- About Sir Francis Galton, and an Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement
- Thomas Hunt Morgan and his Legacy [EB Lewis]
- The Search for DNA - The Birth of Molecular Biology - Access Excellence
- A Brief History of Biotechnology - The Biotech Chronicles (US).
- About Rosalind Franklin - San Diego Supercomputer Center (US)
- Molecular structure of Nucleic Acids, original article by Watson and Crick in Nature, 1953
- Linus Pauling and The Race for DNA - Oregon State Univ. (US)
- The Invention of the Genetic Code [B Hayes] - Amer Scientist '98
- On the Discovery of the DNA Structure and the Restriction Enzymes - Access Excellence (US).
- About Holley, Khorana, Nirenberg and the Genetic Code - Nobel Foundation (SE)
- The Marshall Nirenberg Papers - NLM/NIH (US)
- A Brief History of the Human Genome Project ( HUGO ) - CBBC/Dartmouth Coll.
- A brief History of Cloning -, and some Cloning Milestones - Learning Network
- From the History of Stem Cell Research - UK Stem Cell Foundation
- 'LSD - My Problem Child' [A Hofmann; transl.] - (US)
- About the Discovery of the Role of Endorphines - A Science Odyssey, PBS
- About Jonas Salk [polio vaccine] - TIME, and the Archives of Albert B Sabin at Hauck Center, Univ of Cincinnati (US)
- The Autobiography of Baruch S Blumberg -
- About the Development of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI - NAS (US)
- AIDS History Project - UC/SF (US)
- Looking Back at Jenner, Vaccine Developers Prepare for the 21st Century [KS Brown; registration (free) required] - The Scientist (US)
- Doctor over Time - A Science Odyssey
- US Nat'l Inventors Hall of Fame
- Ten Great Public Health Achievements - US 1900-99 - CDC
- The Complete Base Sequence of Chromosome 22
Secolo XXI
Storia delle Malattie
Disease is considered to be a harmful deviation from the normal structural or functional state of an organism. A diseased organism commonly exhibits signs or symptoms indicative of its abnormal state. Thus, the normal condition of an organism must be understood in order to recognize the hallmarks of disease. Nevertheless, a sharp demarcation between disease and health is not always apparent.-- [Encyclopedia Britannica 1996]
- Of the Epidemics, Book I and II [Hippocrates] - via MIT (US)
- epidemic! - The World of Infectious Disease [exhibition] - American Museum of Natural History
- A List of Major Epidemics - Wikipedia
- History of Epidemics and Plagues [course material; P Bagl] - Univ of Hartford (US)
- CONTAGION: Historical Views of Diseases and Epidemics - Harvard Univ Library (US)
- A review of S Watts'Epidemics and History: Disease, Power and Imperialism and the author's response - Institute of Historical Research (UK)
- Medicine and Literature [Ancient texts and retrospective diagnoses]
- Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine [Gould and Pyle] - Univ of Virginia (US)
- About some Infectious Diseases in History [B Williams] - (UK)
- Infectious History [note: old page, most embedded links don't work] - via Wien (AT), and Infectious Diseases as an Evolutionary Paradigm [J Lederberg, Fall '97] - NLM/NIH (US)
- Disease in Human Evolution: The Re-emerge of Infectious Disease in the Third Epidemiological Transition [Armelagos et al]
- Some articles on Epidemic Disease in London (from Black Death to Cholera)
- Insects, Disease and History [RKD Peterson] - Entomology/Univ of Montana (US)
- Impact of Insects on Human History, and Insects as Pests of Humans and Vectors of Human Diseases [distance learning lectures] - Virginia Tech (US)
- Some 'highlights' from the history of biological warfare - The WhyFiles
- Examples of How Disease Altered History - Science Projects/UCSD
- A table of the History of Diseases and Illnesses in the UK
- Articles on Medical [C Johnson] and Dental Anthropology [Heiss et al.] - Univ of Illinois, Chicago (US)
- The Threat of Deliberate Disease in the 21st Century [GS Pearson]
- The Natural History of Infectious Disease [R DeSalle] - Fred Friendly Seminars
- A Brief History of Chemical and Biological Weapons - CBWInfo
- Observations on the Bills of Mortality [J Graunt; 1662]
- Balancing the Humors: Healing Traditions and Medical Practice in World Medicine [N Stoyan-Rosenzweig] - Univ of Florida (US)
- Disease in History [CP Bignell]
- El Niño and its health impacts - WHO
- Epidemics and Oceanography [K Miller] -
- The Mathematics of Diseases [M Keeling]
- The State of the World Population 2001 - UNFPA
- History of Vaccination - PATH
- New Drugs, New Vaccins, New Diseases - an interview with A Fauci, 1996, NIAID
- Are All Diseases Infectious? [B Lorber, Nov '96] - ACP
- On HIV/STDs: global epidemiological fact sheets - WHO
- Bodies of Evidence - Channel4
- Medicine through time (case studies 1900, 1950, 2000) - PBS
- A Bit of Medical History, and some More [L Martin] - Mt Sinai Med C
- The Effects of Diseases, Drugs, and Chemicals on the Creativity and Productivity of Famous Sculptors, Classic Painters, Classic Music Composers, and Authors [PL Wolf] - Arch Pathol Lab Med, 129/11, Nov 2005
- Diagnosis of the Famous Dead [SD Uretsky] -
- By Cause of Death - Dead or Alive Info
- A Causes of Death list - FamousDead db
- A List of Famous Suicides - Wikipedia
- Royal deaths and diseases - Channel 4 (UK)
- Diseases of Composers - Exhibit at the Arizona Health Sciences Library (US)
- US Presidental Diseases
- Medical History of American Presidents - Dr Zebra
- Unusual Celebrity Deaths - Trivia
- About Nosology - Wikipedia
- Sjukdomar förr och nu [in Swedish; H Björknäs] - (FI)
- Om några Sjukdomar och sjukvård förr i Sverige [in Swedish; H Högman] - (SE)
- Archaic Medical Terms - Antiquus Morbus
- Old Medical Terms [links; C Howells]
- Diseases, as described in the 1911 edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica
- Who Named It?, a biographical dictionary of medical eponyms [OD Enersen]
- A tentative List of Fictional Diseases - Wikipedia
- Old Medical Terminology [A Cook?]
- Greek etymologies of medical-biological terms [in Spanish]
- Brief notes on some Colonial Diseases & Cures [S Behling]
- Addison Disease
- Adrenpleukodystrophy
- Alzheimer Disease
- Anthrax
- Arthritis
- Asbestosis
- Asthma
- Autistic Disorders
- Behcet Syndrome
- Bells Palsy
- Bunyaviridae Infections
- Cancer
- Celiac Disease
- Chagas Disease
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth Syndrome
- Cholera
- Chorea
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Coxsackievirus Infections
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
- Crohn Disease, IBD
- Cytomegalovirus Infections
- Dengue
- Diabetes
- Diphtheria
- Disabilities
- Down Syndrome
- Ebola Fever
- Epilepsy
- Eye Diseases and Disorders
- Gaucher Disease
- Gout
- Graves' Disease
- Guillain-Barre Syndrome
- Heart Diseases
- Hemophilia
- Hemorrhoids
- Hippel-Lindau Disease
- Huntington Disease
- Influenza
- Kallmann Syndrome
- Kawasaki Disease
- Klinefelter Syndrome
- Klippel-Feil Syndrome
- Lassa Fever
- Legionellosis
- Leprosy
- Leptospirosis
- Lyme Disease
- Machado-Joseph disease
- Marfan Syndrome
- Measles
- Meniere Disease
- Mental Disorders
- Mucopolysaccharide Disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Muscular Dystrophy
- Myasthenia gravis
- Neoplasms
- Nutritional Diseases
- Osteochondritis
- Otorhinolaryngeal Disorders
- Pain and Pain Relief
- Parkinson Disease
- Pellagra
- Peptic Ulcer
- Pernicious Anemia
- Phenylketonuria
- Plague
- Poisoning
- Poliomyelitis
- Psoriasis
- Puerperal Sepsis
- Rabies
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Rickets
- Rinderspest
- Rosacea
- Scarlet Fever
- Scoliosis
- Scurvy
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
- Sickle Cell Disease
- Sjogren Syndrome
- Skin Diseases
- Smallpox
- Stroke
- Syphilis
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosous
- Thalassemia
- Tinnitus
- Tourette Syndrome
- Trichinosis
- Tropical Diseases
- Tuberculosis
- Typhoid Fever
- Urogenital Conditions
- Urticaria
- West Nile Fever
- Wilson Disease
- Yaws
- Yellow Fever
- Zoonoses
- Addison Disease
- Adrenoleukodystrophy
- The AIDS History Project at GALEN, UCSF (US)
- HIV's Path Out Of Africa: Haiti, the US, then the World - Science Daily, Oct 2007
- The History of AIDS - AVERT (UK)
- A Medical Mystery Unfolds (AIDS) - New York Hall of Science
- Reports on the global HIV/AIDS epidemic - UNAIDS
- In their own words: NIH researchers recall the early years of AIDS
- Timing the ancestor of the HIV-1 pandemic strains [abstract; Korber et al.] - Science, 2000, via PubMed
- On the Human-chimpanzee HIV-1 link - Univ of Alabama
Alzheimer Disease
- A brief note on Alois Alzheimer - Founders of Neurology/U of Illinois
- About Alois Alzheimer - WhoNamedIt, and a picture of his grave
- Did Alois Alzheimer really 'discover' Alzheimer's Disease? - Wellcome Trust (UK)
- A list of Milestone Papers in Alzheimer Research - Alzheimer Research Forum
- Famous Victims of Alzheimers Disease
- Anthrax
- Brief note on the History of Arthritis - Wikipedia
- Asbestosis
- Asthma
Autistic Disorders
- Autism-FAQ History [J Wobus]
- Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact [Leo Kanner] - Nervous Child (1943) 2:217-50
- Die 'autistischen psychopathen' im kindesalter [H Asperger] - Archiv Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten (1944) 117, 76-136
- History of Autism - Exploring Autism
- Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact [L Kanner; 1943]
- Behcet Syndrome
Bells Palsy
- About Sir Charles Bell - WhoNamedIt
- About Charles Bell
- Beriberi
- Bunyaviridae Infections
- ... see further down under Neoplasms/Cancer
- Celiac Disease
- Chagas Disease
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth Syndrome
- Fighting Cholera With Maps [about J Snow and the Cholera Outbreak in London 1853-4] including Snow's map of Cholera Deaths and the Locations of Water Pumps - National Geographic
- Cholera Online: A Modern Pandemic in Texts and Images - NLM/History of Medicine (US)
- John Snow and Cholera - Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- On Snow's Cholera Map
- An inscription outside John Snow Pub
- The 1831-32 cholera epidemic in England [based on text by RJ Morris, 1976] - UCLA (US)
- The S.S. England Page [J Miller]
- The Cholera Epidemic of 1873 (in Birmingham, ALA) - (US)
- Cholera Epidemics in the 19th Century - CONTAIGON, Harvard (US)
- The Cholera Epidemic in Hamburg (1892) - (DE)
- About The History of the Cholera in Exeter 1832 by T Shapter
- About Cholera in Peru - U of Texas
- Chorea
- CHronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Coxsackievirus Infections
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
- 1755 and all that: a historical primer of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) [Brown and Bradley] - BMJ 1998
- Hans Gerhard Creutzfeldt and Alfons Maria Jakob - WhoNamedIt
- The BSE Inquiry: The Report, Jan 1998, including the story of The earliest confirmed of BSE ... and a BSE chronology - (UK)
- Crohn Disease, IBD
Cytomegalovirus Infections
- Briefly on the History of Cytomegalovirus [HD Riles, Jr] - Oklahoma (US)
- Dengue
- A Diabetes History Timeline - Canadian Diabetes Assoc.
- History of Diabetes - Univ. Giessen (DE)
- A Timeline of the History of Diabetes - Canadian Diabetes Association
- The Discovery of Insulin: A Canadian Miracle of the 20th Century
- Presentation of the 1923 Nobel Prize Laureates in Medicine [J Sjöquist] - (SE)
- A Brief History of Diabetes and Insulin
- From ants to analogues [J MacCracken] - Postgraduate Medicine, Apr '97 (US)
- The story of diphtheria - Encyclopedia Britannica
- Memorial Poems from the Diphtheria Epidemic of 1876-78 (Santa Cruz County)
- On the 'Strangling Angel of Children' - eMedicine
- A list of some Famous People with Disabilities - NCRS
- Disability History Museum - (US)
- Down Syndrome
- Ebola Fever
- Epilepsy: Historical Overview - Epilepsy Canada
- Epilepsy: Historical Overview - WHO (CH)
- On the Sacred Disease [Hippocrates, 400 BC; transl. F Adams]
- Jesus heals a boy with an unclean spirit - Epilepsy Support Group
- Epilepsy in Art and Literature - Destin Pharmaceuticals
- He Hath the Falling Sickness [SM AronsonM - Brown University
- Mistletoe and Epilepsy
- A Disease Once Sacred [Eadie and Bladin], 2001 - via Google Books
- The German Epilepsy Museum Kork including some notes on the history of epileptology and a list of famous people who suffered from epilepsy - (DE)
Eye Diseases and Disorders
- Historical Tour of Ophthalmology [CN Chua]
- The Inventions of Sight - PRK
- Presbyopia's Finest Hour [RS Fishman] - Archives of Ophthalmology
- Art, Vision and the Disordered Eye [Coldham et al.] - Univ of Calgary (CA)
- Eye diseases changed great painters' vision of their work later in their lives [T White] - Stanford
- Gaucher Disease
- A few notes on the History of Gout (the 'Disease of Kings') - Johns Hopkins/Arthritis
- A review of the book Gout: the patrician malady [KJ Fraser] by Porter and Rousseau, 1998
Graves' Disease
- Brief note on the History of Graves' (Basedow's) Disease - Wikipedia
- Guillain-Barre Syndrome
- Heart Diseases
- History of bleeding disorders - Us Nat'l Hemophilia Foundation
- The history of haemophilia [GI Ingram] - J Clin Pathol, 1976, via PubMed Central
- History of haemophilia - World Federation of Hemophilia
- The history of hemophilia - Canadian Hemophilia Society
- Hemophilia: 'The Royal Disease' [Aronova-Tiuntseva and Herreid] - Univ of Buffalo (US)
- Hemorrhoids
- Hippel-Lindau Disease
- Huntington's Disease
- Natural History of Human Influenza - CDC, via HealthTouch (US)
- 1918 flu epidemic originated in pigs, study finds (Mar '97) - Lubbock Online
- Influenza 1918 - PBS Online/WGBH Educ. Foundation
- About The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 [M Billings]
- The Story of the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918, and the ... [about a book by G Kolata]
- The Deadly Virus: The Influenza Epidemic of 1918 - US National Archives
- The Inflenza Digital Archive - Univ of Michigan Med School (US)
- Some pictures from the 1918, and the 1957 Influenza Epidemic - NMHM (US)
- Monessen (Pennsylvania) and the Spanish Influenza 1918
Kallmann Syndrome
- About Franz Josef Kallmann - WhoNamedIt
- When was Kallmann's syndrome first discovered? [M Saunders]
- Kawasaki Disease
- Klinefelter Syndrome
Klippel-Feil Syndrome
- About Klippel-Feil deformity - WhoNamedIt
- About The Death of Tutankhamen - Institute of Investigative Science
- Lassa Fever
- Legionellosis
- Leviticus 13 -
- Christ's Cure of the Leper [painting, Glajor Codex, 14th century]
- Global Project on the History of Leprosy - Int'l Leprosy Association
- Lepers [Edwards, Irvin and McClurken]
- Lepramuseum Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster - (DE)
- Medical History from Nordhordland [H Sandvik] - UIB (NO)
- The Leprosy Museum in Muenster-Kinderhaus, Germany
- Lepraarkiva (Leprosy Archive of Bergen) - (NO)
- The Global Leprosy Situation 2003 - WHO (CH)
- Over ten million people cured of leprosy [May 98] - WHO (CH)
- Leptospirosis
- Lyme Disease
- Machado-Joseph disease
- Marfan Syndrome
- Some notes on the History of Measles - History for Kids
- Measles History - CDC (US)
Meniere Disease
- About Prosper Meniere - WhoNamedIt
- About some Famous Meniere's Disease Patients - Meniere's Disease Information Center
Mental Disorders
- A painting depicting Erasistratus Discovering the Cause of Antiochus' Disease [J-L David 1774]
- Erasistratus, Antiochus and Psychosomatic Medicine [CA Seguin]
- History of Mental Illness - Wikipedia
- Hippocrates and the Origins of Neuro-Psychiatry [B Kraut] - Univ of Florida (US)
- Mental Health History Timeline [A Roberts] - Middlesex Univ. (UK)
- The Extraction of the Stone of Madness by Hieronymus Bosch, painted 1475-80
- Melencolia, woodcut by Albrecht Dürer, 1514 - (IT)
- On Nostalgia (as a disease) - Wikipedia
- Percussion and Nostalgia [G Rosen], 1972
- On the History of Nostalgia [B Long]
- History and Evolution of the Monoamine Hypothesis of Depression [RM Hirschfeld; 2000]
- On the History of Mental Illness - Bipolar World
- History of Bipolar Disorder [C Glavin] - K12academics
- A Historical Perspective on Theories about Emotions [Fellous & Hudlicka]
- Emotions and Disease - History of Medicine Division at NLM (US)
- Integrating Hysteria into the Neurological Examination [M Okun] - Univ of Florida (US)
- 'Brain Diseases I Wish I Had'
- History and Schizophrenia - HUBIN project/Karolinska Inst. (SE)
- The Insulin Treatment of Schizophrenia - History of Medicine Online,
- Mad in America [R Whitaker]
- An overview of Psychiatry/Schizophrenia in the Western countries during the Middle Ages - HUBIN project/Karolinska Inst. (SE)
- Famous people and Schizophrenia -
- Resources on the History of Idiocy [M Simpson]
- Philipe Pinel unchains the insane - Dodd Memorial Library, CMC Vellore
- A Brief History of Lobotomy [CG Boeree]
- The History of Psychosurgery [R Sabbatini] - (BR)
- Historic Asylums in America
- On The Origin and Nature of the Emotions: Miscellaneous Papers [GW Crile; 1915]
- Mucopolysaccharide Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
- A few Historical Notes on Multiple Sclerosis - FireLady
- History of Multiple Sclerosis - DMSG, AMSEL (DE)
- History of Multiple Sclerosis - US Nat'l Multiple Sclerosis Society
- A Chronology of Events in the History of MS, Multiple Sclerosis: The History of a Disease, by J Murray, 2005 - via Google Book
- History of Multiple Sclerosis [JF Smeltzer]
- Famous people with Multiple Sclerosis [P Jones] - All About Multiple Sclerosis
Muscular Dystrophy
- About Duchenne de Boulogne
- Myasthenia gravis
- History of cancer -
- On the History of Cancer [L Fayed] -
- The History of Cancer - American Cancer Society
- Brief notes on Cancer History - Rare Cancer Alliance
- Galen on Tumors [RW Moss]
- About James Ewing (Ewing's Sarcoma) - (UK)
- Drugs Developed for Leukemia - PBS Online
- A Prostate Cancer Timeline [M Coutinho]
- Rafael's La Fornarina, 1518-20 (Breast Cancer?) - Wikipedia
- Did Rembrandt's Bathsheba really have breast cancer? [Bourne RG] - PubMed citation
- History of Cancer Chemotherapy - Wikipedia
- Closing in on Cancer - NIH (US)
- Napoleon probably died of stomach cancer, [extract of an article in] BMJ, May 2005
- Nutritional Diseases
- Osteochondritis
Otorhinolaryngeal Disorders
- John Q. Adams Center for the History of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, including some notes on the History of Tonsillectomy, and on Tracheotomy and the Death of George Washington - AAO-HNS (US)
- About Beethoven's deafness [D Prevot]
- L van Beethoven's Heiligenstadt Testament - Gunung Timur (SE)
Pain and Pain Relief
- Anesthesia and Pain History Resources on the Internet - Univ of Alabama (US)
- A Short History of Pain [D Caton] - Univ of Florida
- The John C. Liebeskind History of Pain Collection, and relief of pain and suffering [exhibit] - UCLA (US)
- Some notes on the History of Pain Management [ML Meldrum]
- A Brief History of Anaesthesia - History of Medicine Online,
- A History of Aspirin [AAJ Andermann] - McGill Univ (CA)
Parkinson Disease
- About James Parkinson - WhoNameIt
- A List of famous Parkinson's disease patients - Wikipedia
- Pellagra
- Peptic Ulcer
- Pernicious Anemia
- Phenylketonuria
- Bubonic Plague traced to Ancient Egypt [C Walker] - National Geographic, Mar 2004
- A Journal of the Plague Year [D Defoe] - Gutenberg Project
- The Coming of Plague to Italy - Brown U. (US)
- The Plague in France - (FR)
- About Boccaccio's Decameron
- Yersinia pestis Orientalis in Remains of Ancient Plague Patients [Drancourt et al.] - EID, Feb 2007 (US)
- Ordinances for Sanitation in a Time of Mortality - Pistoia, Tuscany 1348
- On The Black Death and the Jews 1348-49 - Jewish History Sourcebook
- Ordinances for Sanitation in a Time of Mortality (the plague in Pistoia, 1348)
- The Role of Trade in Transmitting the Black Death - TED Case Studies
- The Black Death: 1347-1350
- Plague in England 1539-1640 [I Jessiman]
- The Great Plague of London, 1665 - CONTAIGON, Harvard (US)
- On the delta 32 mutation - PBS
- Plague in London: spatial and temporal aspects of mortality [G Twigg]
- About Plague in Western Europe 1348-1530 - U of Virginia/Charlottsville (US)
- The History of the Black Death [Duncan and Scott]
- Bubonic Plague Hits San Francisco 1900-09 - PBS Online
- Poisoning
- On the history of polio eradication
- The Polio History Pages [EJ Sass]
- "Polio and the Era of Fear" - The Mission/UTHSC (US)
- Polio Exhibit - Univ of Michigan/Med School (US)
- Fighting polio with 'gentle hands' [D Olson] - Minnesota Public Radio
- "40 Years of Polio Prevention - Canada and the Great Salk Vaccine Trial 1954-55", and Poliomyelitis History [CJ Rutty] - (CA)
- Whatever happened to Polio? - Smithsonian/Behring Center (US)
- History of Polio - The End of Polio
- About the Iron Lung - Univ of Virgina, Health Sci Library (US)
- Dr. Albert Sabin's Discovery of the Oral Polio Vaccine - Cincinnati Children's Hosp Med C. (US)
- A list of Famous People with Psoriasis [Dave W]
- Puerperal Sepsis
- Rabies
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- A timeline of Discoveries about Rickets - Beyond Discoveries/NAS (US)
- Rinderspest
- Rosacea
- Scarlet Fever
- Scoliosis
- Scurvy
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Sickle Cell Disease
- Some brief notes on the History of Sickle Cell Disease - Harvard/MGH (US)
- Sjogren Syndrome
- Skin Diseases
- Smallpox - historical aspects - U of Leicester (UK)
- Smallpox History - Wellcome Trust Centre (UK)
- Smallpox - Inoculation, Vaccination, Eradication [exhibit] - UCLA (US)
- The first person trying to prevent smallpox ....? - MicrobiologyBytes
- The Origin of Smallpox Vaccination
- The Jenner Museum
- Three Original Publications On Vaccination Against Smallpox, 1798, and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762): Smallpox Vaccination in Turkey - Modern History Sourcebook
- On the History of Smallpox
- Smallpox - A Great and Terrible Scourge - NLM, History of Medicine Div. (US)
- Spanish and Nahuatl Views on Smallpox and Demographic Catastrophe in the Conquest of Mexico [R McCaa]
- The Cow-Pock, Smallpox Inoculation Hosp., St. Pancras [cartoon by J Gillray, 1801]
- Jeffery Amherst and Smallpox Blankets [P d'Errico] - NativeWeb, and A Discussion
- Vaccines - How and Why - Access Excellence (US)
- Smallpox: The Triumph over the Most Terrible of the Ministers of Death [Barquet and Domingo]
- Smallpox Vaccination in Turkey [M Wortley Montagu; letter, 1717]
- On The destruction of smallpox virus - WHO
- History and Epidemiology of Global Smallpox Eradication - CDC (US)
- Brief note on the History of Stroke - Rush Univ/Med C (US)
- Another brief note on the History of Stroke - St John's Health System
- Observations on the History of the 'Circle of Willis' [Meyer and Hierons], Med Hist 1962, Apr - via PubMedCentral
- The Evolution of Surgery for the Treatment and Prevention of Stroke [JE Thompson] - Stroke, 1996
- Note on the Origin of Syphilis
- The History of Syphilis [N Clancy] - Univ of Florida (US)
- Origins of Syphilis [M Rose] - Archaeology 1997
- 'The Great Scourge' - Syphilis as a medical problem and a moral metaphor, 1880-1916 [LA Hall] - (UK)
- The Sociology of syphilis [Tilles and Wallach] and the Sigma of syphilis in the 19th century France [G Tilles]
- On the Origins of Syphilis - Archeology, Jan/feb 1997
- Paul Ehrlich and Sulpharsphenamine - Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- Paul Ehrlich: summary of important dates - Paul Ehrlich-Institut
- Ehrlich finds cure for syphilis (1909) - PBS Online
- Bad Blood: Tuskegee Syphilis Study - Univ of Virginia, Health Sci Library (US)
- Historical Background of the Human Treponematoses [C Rodriguez-Martin] - Scielo (CL)
- The Mercurial Disease: An Inquiry into the History and Nature of the Disease ... [A Mathias], 1811 - via Google Books
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosous
- Thalassemia
- Tinnitus
Tourette Syndrome
- About Georges Albert Edouard Brutus Gilles de la Tourette - WhoNamedIt
- On the History of Tourette Syndrome - Wikipedia
- Some Historical Personalities with TS
- On Tourette Syndrome and Mozart [O Sacks; BMJ Dec 1992] - via PubMed Central
- Some notes on the History of Tourette Syndrome [G Stirling]
- Geschichte der Tics (in German) [S Hartung] - Gilles De La Tourett Syndrom/Deutschland
- Trichinosis
Tropical Diseases
- About some Exotic Infections, with historical footnotes [E Uthman]
- A brief History of Leishmaniasis - WHO
- Dracunculiasis: Historical background and important dates - WHO
- Parasitology Charts [R Leuckart; 1822-98]
- History of Malaria [Davis and Icke] - Royal Perth Hospital (AU)
- History of Malaria [BS Kakkilaya]
- A History of Malaria and the Panama Canal - CDC (US)
- Alphonse Laveran: Nobel Prize presentation 1907 [C Sundberg]
- About Alphonse Laveran and Sir Ronald Ross - Britannica.Com
- About Quinine - Wikipedia
- Some Observations on Malaria and the Ecology of Central Macedonia in Antiquity [EN Borza] - U. of Indiana (US)
- Malaria in the Korean War [IH Marshall] - Office of (US Army) Medical History
- Tuberculosis in History - NIAID/NIH (US)
- An interesting timeline of the History of Tuberculosis - Indian Chest Society
- Old Testament Biblical References to Tuberculosis [VS and TM Daniel] - Clin Inf Dis, 1999; 29:1557-8
- Brief History of Tuberculosis & its Treatment - Nat'l Tuberculosis C. (US)
- On the History of Tuberculosis - Wikipedia
- Tuberculosis: Curing in the Adirondacks - Adirondack Museum
- Of Lungs and Lungers: The Classified Story of Tuberculosis [Star and Bowker]
- Romance and tragedy of tuberculosis: Edward Archibald's contribution ... [MA Entin]
- Tuberculosis in history and art - Wikipedia
- Some Famous People suffering from Tuberculosis
- About the The Hunchback of Notre Dame (who may have suffered from Pott's disease = spinal tuberculosis) by Victor Hugo
- History of Human Tuberculosis - JANTB (PK)
- History of Tuberculosis in Canada - The Lung Association of Canada
- About Nils Ryberg Finsen (Lupus Vulgaris) - Nobel Foundation (SE)
- The Making of a Social Disease (Tuberculosis in 19th century France) - Univ of California Press
- History of diagnostic technology for diseases of the Lungs [CPC Warren] - CMAJ, Nov 1999 (CA)
Typhoid Fever
- About The Plague in Athens ca. 430 B.C. [Thucydides], and the Plague Victims Found in Athens (4th & 5th century B.C.)
- Typhoid Mary [J Rosenberg] -
- Typhoid Mary: Villain or Victim? [W Leavitt] - NOVA
- Walter Reed and Typhoid Fever - Univ of Virginia, Health Sci Library (US)
- About Typhoid Mary - Urban Legends/ and a picture of her grave
- Urogenital Conditions
- Urticaria
- West Nile Fever
- Wilson Disease/Hepatolenticular Degeneration
- Brief Note on the Origin of Yaws
Yellow Fever
- The Panama Puzzle (Yellow Fever) [A Cann] - Leicester (US)
- About Carlos Finlay
- The Summer of Pestilence (Yellow Fever in Norfolk, VA, 1855) [GD Armstrong] - CW Tazewell
- US Politicians Who Died of Yellow Fever - The Political Graveyard
- Yellow Fever and the Reed Commission 1898-1901 - Univ of Virginia, Health Sci Library (US)
- The Yellow Fever Collection - Claude Moore Health Sciences Library, Univ of Virginia (US)
- The Yellow Fever Connection - Carpenters' Hall, Philadelphia (US)
- Yellow Fever Epidemic 1793 - Museum of Philadelphia (US)
- About Major Walter Reed - Walter Reed Army Medical Center (US)
- Some notes on the History of Zoonoses - San Diego Natural History Museum